"emo" is a fashion. well, though i'am not an "emo" fanatic as what other do i just want to post and share it since this fashion is one of the hottest fashions nowadays! Boy and Girl can have this fashion. This picture describe the different styles or accessories an "emo" person has.
I was wondering if you realize how homophobic these descriptions are. The word "gay" is used as a negative, "faggot hair" and so forth... This is not a positive image to be sharing. Perhaps you should address this with your readers?
he shouldn't b saying anything about anyone b-cause if u really payed attention 2 an "emo" person then u might learn that they really do have problems or issues or might acually gone through some messed up shit as a child and u should also b spa-si-fic on who ur acually talking about b-cause there r those " emos" who have problems and there r those who just dress like an "emo" to fit in
sorry for this offensive description in the picture. I just got this image at google images then i posted it here in my blog. Those offensive words that you found in the picture are not my words.
i just hope you know that the way you describe our clothes makes you seem like a huge bitch. this kinda pissed me off. not all emo's are gay. thats just a really fucked up steryotype. not every gay person is emo either. so shut the fuck up. unless you've been through an hour of my life, you have no right to judge us and make us seem like we're less than you. i deal with enough shit everyday, seeing this is just really bitchy. so have a nice fucking day
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