Sunday, July 12, 2009

Wholesome Not

What is "MASBATE"? Any idea?

Well, I and my close friend were texting and we were like dragged into a specific topic where i got this weird word. hmmm. I was like curious of what he meant by "MASBATE". For the second time, he said it again and that's the time when i asked him what does this word mean. He was like shocked why i asked and it gave him the perception that i'm really still that innocent in this matter. Then, with no hesitation he perfectly described or explained it to me.

Here's what he said:

"Huhummp! Masbate. d term is used as d act of releasing by d male species of their sexual urges or the sperm, to be precised. (Since he's a guy, He told this..) We do dis by holding our rifle and gently smoothing it up and down.. up and down, repeatedly until it shoots an xplosion of white cream, sperm! $ d female species, you do ds by caressing d cli2ris or d "mani2" of ur castle. Rubing it gently continuosly..feeling for urselves a burning, fulfilling sensation and until u reached d climax point. U will feel an xplosion insyd of u. sumtyms f u rily get n2 d feel, cum will shoot out of ur castle is really wet! Others prefer to do d fingering thng inserting 1-3 fingers in2 d castle's entrance while rubing w/ ur other hand d cli2ris or "mani2". & sumtyms, other insert vibra2rs or even an eggplant! weird! Also masbate is sumtyms intrtwined w/ masturbation! there u go! "

That's it! When i read the first sentence, i then got what it means. Tsk! I really feel like "EWW!" while reading it. But hey, im not being hypocrite here, i'm just too conservative on this matter . He really exerted an effort of defining it for me. toinx!

Thus, "MASBATE" is known as Masturbation or Masturbate. It's like a shortcut name by some people. Westeners call it as Masturbate.

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