Thursday, December 10, 2009
Behind forwarded messages
We may sometimes wonder why people keep on forwarding messages to us that would make our inbox full. Anyway, here 's the essence and the truth behind this forwarded messages...
"I am very busy, but still want to keep in touch";
"I have nothing to say, but still want to stay connected";
"I have something to say, but dont know what & how to say it";
"I just want to let you know that you are Remembered."
How sweet!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
The 2nd time gets worst
Now, it happened when he confronted me. I can feel this strange feeling! I don't want to grow this feeling as what i told him. Yet, i was almost weaken to hold on to what is right. Luckily somehow, I was strong enough to stop him and nagged him because I'm just thinking and doing the right one. I just can't help myself thinking everything. I guess, I'm feeling this way and i was too affected then because I find myself fallen already for Him. Now, I'm trying to let go of it and trying to stop this ill feeling! OMG! It made me then to rememmber the first time it hit me. A forbidden love. I experienced it before just recently in my previous work but it's not that worst as i have experienced now. I considered it as worst because this abnormality affects me more deeply than the first time. I was very resistable before than now. How I really wish for him and for us to move on and forget in just a second and go back to normal. hayy!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
PSI (Powertech Specialists, Inc)

Saturday, October 10, 2009
The Thoughts in my Mind
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Making money Online
Saturday, September 12, 2009
A little light of Hope
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Moreover, one thing that I like and observed in myself is that I can still manage to understand why certain things happened to me and move on about it. I was enlightened and started to believe recently that I am a strong person when this new friend of mine told me that I am. As well as based on how i manage myself despite of those painful experiences. I still have the strength to keep going and moving! As my defense mechanism I'd say, Maybe this is not yet the right time for me and someone and something better would come to me someday! In God's glory. hehe. I'm trying to divert my sad emotion of course, in order to think better and positive. hehe. Well, I do really have faith in God and hoping to have more faith in Him in every challenges I'm gonna encounter. Hahay, I feel quite relieve right now after what i've typed in here though not everything has been clearly said. It's just a way for me to share and express my emotion and agony.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Expressing the Painful Sensation
It's kind'a weird! Uhm, I don't want to bother mentioning here these pains in me. I am just like expressing the feeling. Hopefully, i would be able to get through with these. And i believe that time is what i need to help me get over it. How i wish it would just take seconds to heal these f****** pains!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Wholesome Not
Well, I and my close friend were texting and we were like dragged into a specific topic where i got this weird word. hmmm. I was like curious of what he meant by "MASBATE". For the second time, he said it again and that's the time when i asked him what does this word mean. He was like shocked why i asked and it gave him the perception that i'm really still that innocent in this matter. Then, with no hesitation he perfectly described or explained it to me.
Here's what he said:
"Huhummp! Masbate. d term is used as d act of releasing by d male species of their sexual urges or the sperm, to be precised. (Since he's a guy, He told this..) We do dis by holding our rifle and gently smoothing it up and down.. up and down, repeatedly until it shoots an xplosion of white cream, sperm! $ d female species, you do ds by caressing d cli2ris or d "mani2" of ur castle. Rubing it gently continuosly..feeling for urselves a burning, fulfilling sensation and until u reached d climax point. U will feel an xplosion insyd of u. sumtyms f u rily get n2 d feel, cum will shoot out of ur castle is really wet! Others prefer to do d fingering thng inserting 1-3 fingers in2 d castle's entrance while rubing w/ ur other hand d cli2ris or "mani2". & sumtyms, other insert vibra2rs or even an eggplant! weird! Also masbate is sumtyms intrtwined w/ masturbation! there u go! "
That's it! When i read the first sentence, i then got what it means. Tsk! I really feel like "EWW!" while reading it. But hey, im not being hypocrite here, i'm just too conservative on this matter . He really exerted an effort of defining it for me. toinx!
Thus, "MASBATE" is known as Masturbation or Masturbate. It's like a shortcut name by some people. Westeners call it as Masturbate.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
yahoo! - Thank You!
I really do experience surprises or unexpected circumstances like in my job right now. We experienced a very big surprise which turned some of us disappointed when we knew that unexpected decision or announcement from our Boss. Now, I and my batch are not yet certain of what would really happen since we are still under training. I can still consider my Job as of this moment as UNSTABLE though I am already hired by the company. hahay.. I am still hoping that everything would go better and successful. In fact, i always ask God's guidance, more blessings, strengths and good health for me to handle everything and to do the best that i can. I admit that i am struggling right now and trying to take it easily so that i would be able to achieve the things that i want to achieve slowly but surely. toinx!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Hush Hush – Pussycat Dolls

Hush Hush – Pussycat Dolls Music Code
Oooooh ooooh
I never needed you to be strong
I never needed you for pointin’ out my wrongs
i never needed pain,i never needed strain.
My love for you was strong enough you should’ve known.
I never needed you for judgement
I never needed you to question what i spent
I never asked for help, I take care of myself, I don’t know why you think you got a hold on me.
And it’s a little in the conversations
There isn’t anything that you can say.
And my eyes hurt, hands shiver, so look at me and listen to me because,
I don’t want to
Stay another minute
I don’t want you
To say a single word
Hush Hush, Hush Hush
There is no other way
I get the final say
I don’t want to
Do this any longer
I don’t want you
There’s nothing left to say
Hush Hush, Hush Hush
I’ve already spoken
Our love is broken
Baby Hush Hush
I never needed your corrections
On everything from how i act to what i say
i never needed words, i never needed hurt, i never needed you to be there everyday
I’m sorry for the way i let go
Of everything i wanted when you came along
But i am never beaten, broken, not defeated
I know next to you is not where i belong
And it’s a little late for explanations
There isn’t anything that you can do
And my eyes hurt, hands shiver, so you will listen when i say baby
I don’t want to
Stay another minute
I don’t want you
To say a single word
Hush Hush, Hush Hush
There is no other way
I get the final say
I don’t want to
Do this any longer
I don’t want you
There’s nothing left to say
Hush Hush, Hush Hush
I’ve already spoken
Our love is broken
Baby Hush Hush
No more words
No more lies
No more crying ooh ooh
No more pain
No more hurt
No more tryin’ Oh Oh Yeah
I don’t want to
Stay another minute
I don’t want you
To say a single word
Hush Hush, Hush Hush
There is no other way
I get the final say
I don’t want to
Do this any longer
I don’t want you
There’s nothing left to say
Hush Hush, Hush Hush
I’ve already spoken
Our love is broken
Baby Hush Hush
Yeah Oh
Hush Hush, Hush Hush
I’ve already spoken
Our love is broken
Friday, May 15, 2009
So far away - Bamboo
Doesn’t anybody stay in one place anymore
It would be so fine to see your face at my door
Doesn’t help to know that you’re just time away
Long ago I reached for you and there you stood
Holding you again could only do me good
How I wish I could, but you’re so far away
One more song about movin’ along the highway
Can’t say much of anything that’s new
If I could only work this life out my way
I’d rather spend it bein’ close to you
But you’re so far away
You’re so far away
Travelin’ around sure gets me down and lonely
Nothin’ else to do but close my mindI sure hope the road don’t come to own me
But there’s so many dreams I’ve yet to find
But you’re so far away
Doesn’t anybody stay in one place anymore
It would be so fine to see your face at my door
And it doesn’t help to know, it doesn’t help to knowIt doesn’t help to know
You’re so far away
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Take time to Realize
we will always be a kid
when we all get hurt
and cry.."
Think about it! Isn't it true? hehe.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Movie Marathon
Slumdog Millionaire is also a great movie. It's a bit fun but later on, it gets serious. The children were so pity. Anyway, i will be viewing again more movies in my collected movies folder. I have still a lot of movies to watch! uh uh!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Did you know?
If you're about to undergo a painful experience,
try drinking more water.
According to research, thirsty people are more sensitive to pain!
-Readers Digest.
Really? I'll try to drink lots of water whenever i feel depressed and hurt. hehe. A water therapy! Some said as well that eating banana can relieve the pain. That's good!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Moment of Truth

Moment Of Truth - Fm Static Music Code

Here we are, in the best years of our lives.
With no way of knowing, when the
whee’ll stop spinning cause we don’t
know where we’re going…
and here we are, on the best day of our lives.
And it’s a go, lets make it last, so cheers you
all to that, ’cause this moment’s never comin’ back
I used to know her brother, but I never
knew I loved her, ’till the day she laid her
eyes on me. Now I’m jumpin’ up and down,
she’s the only one around, and she means
every little thing to me
I’ve got your picture in my wallet, and your
Phone number to call it, and I miss you more,
Whenever I think about you,. I’ve got
your mixed tape in my Walkman, been so
long since we’ve been talkin’ and in a few
more days, we’ll both hook up, forever and ever
And here I am, on the west coast of
American and I’ve been tryin’ to think for weeks of
all the ways to ask you, And now
I’ve brought you to the place, Where I’ve
poured my heart out, a million times, for a million
reasons, To offer it to you
I used to know her brother, but I never
knew I loved her, ’till the day she laid her
eyes on me. Now I’m jumpin’ up and down,
she’s the only one around, and she means
every little thing to me
I’ve got your picture in my wallet, and your
Phone number to call it, and I miss you more,
Whenever I think about you,. I’ve got
your mixed tape in my Walkman, been so
long since we’ve been talkin’ and in a few
more days, we’ll both hook up, forever and ever
I used to know her brother, but I never
knew I loved her, ’till the day she laid her
eyes on me. Now I’m jumpin’ up and down,
she’s the only one around, and she means
every little thing to me
I’ve got your picture in my wallet, and your
Phone number to call it, and I miss you more,
Whenever I think about you,. I’ve got
your mixed tape in my Walkman, been so
long since we’ve been talkin’ and in a few
more days, we’ll both hook up, forever and ever